Monday, August 8, 2011

Critique on James' commentary

I have quite a few number of gay friends. In fact, I used to live with one of them. I do not know if my past experience influenced my opinion towards gay marriage but I am pro gay marriage. I used to discuss about such matters with my gay friends since it was not a common experience back in Korea, which would be reflected in my opinions.

James brings up a few good points for supporting gay marriage in his article. From my past experience (I may not be old enough to talk like this, I guess) love is an emotion that one cannot resist or control. And as far as I know from my friends, being attracted to same sex is not something that they can control as well - they said it seems like it's in their biological gene, which agrees with James' bullet points. Therefore, not allowing gay marriage appears to be suppressing gays' natural emotion and giving them very hard time.

But why is America denying gay marriage? Probably one of the common reasons is that national religioun is Christianity, and the Bible is against homosexuality since it seems to be against the nature of God. Actually, a lot of religions are against homosexuality due to the same reason. However, James pointed out that it would be a violation of religious freedom. It seems contradicting - the states allow religious freedom but disallows love between the same gender since it is said so in the Bible. An interesting thing is that homosexuality is not something that happened recently. It even existed in ancient Rome and Greek as well!

Nevertheless, the only thing I am really considering as a problem in this subject is child problem. I do understand that gays want to marry when they love each other, and have children. Children are either adopted or via surrogacies. The problem comes when these children are grown up and realize that they are not living with real biological female mother but with two biological males. I can guarantee that this would not bring too much positive effects on children. To solve this problem, the only way seems to change everyone's perception on gay, which would require time and a lot of effort.

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